44 Years and Counting

Carol Cureton.jpg

This Saturday (Oct. 28) marks the 44th Anniversary of our church's first gathering. To the right is a picture of our founding pastor, Rev. Carol Cureton. She came from Kansas City to St. Louis specifically to found our congregation, and she and our church were originally supported by the members of the MCC in Kansas City.

Recently, I discovered that many of the founding documents of our church are being preserved at The State Historical Society of Missouri. I was contacted by them to come and review those documents and make them more available to public.

Turns out that in the mid-1990s many of the historical files from our early pastors and of the church in general were given to the State Historical Society for preservation, and it was fascinating to read through them. In fact, next year, as part of our 45th Anniversary Celebrations, I will lead a program inviting all who are interested to come and view those documents in person. 

I did take a picture of one document that I'd like to share with you today in celebration of our 44th Anniversary. This document is the letter written by our founding pastor just after the first three worship services were held. My oh my, what an exciting time it was to be at MCCGSL! May that same Spirit of growth and excitement move among us again in the year ahead! 

Letter from Carol Cureton.JPG
Letter from Carol Cureton Page 2.JPG